Seven options for energy-saving renovation of air compressors

The country is now vigorously calling for energy conservation and emission reduction throughout the country. What is energy-saving renovation of air compressors? Energy saving and emission reduction means saving energy, reducing energy consumption, and reducing pollutant emissions. The main target is for various manufacturing enterprises to conduct energy consumption testing and evaluation, and carry out structural transformation and adjustment.
At present, there has been little progress in the transformation of electric machinery, so the transformation of gas energy, the second largest energy after electric energy, has become a top priority.
Replace the piston machine
The industry has been in the era of screw compressors for about 20 years, but piston compressors are currently the most commonly used air compressors in China. Compared with traditional piston compressors, screw air compressors have the following advantages:
- Simple structure
- small volume
- high reliability
- high stability
- easy to maintain
The market share of screw air compressors is increasing year by year. Especially in recent years, energy-saving screw compressors have emerged continuously, and companies are competing to launch products that exceed the national energy-saving level standards.
Governance leakage
The average leakage of compressed air in factories is as high as 20-30%, so the primary task of energy saving is to control leakage. All pneumatic tools, hoses, joints, valves, a small hole of 1 square millimeter, under the pressure of 7bar, will lose almost 4,000 yuan a year. It is urgent to check the leakage of the air compressor pipeline and optimize the design of the pipeline.
Pressure drop management
Pressure gauges are installed at each section of the pipeline. Generally, when the air compressor is exported to the point of use in the factory, the pressure drop cannot exceed 1 bar, and more strictly, it cannot exceed 10%, that is, 0.7 bar. The pressure drop of the cold-drying filter section is generally 0.2 bar, check the pressure drop of each section in detail, and repair it in time if there is any problem. (Each kilogram of pressure increases the energy consumption by 7%-10%).
Evaluate the pressure requirements of gas equipment
In the case of ensuring production, the exhaust pressure of the air compressor should be lowered as much as possible. The cylinders of many gas-consuming equipment only need 3~4bar, and a few manipulators only need more than 6bar. (For every 1bar lower pressure, energy saving is about 7~10%).
Adopt high-efficiency compressor
For variable working conditions, high-efficiency permanent magnet variable frequency screw air compressors are used to save energy. At present, the leading high-efficiency permanent magnet frequency conversion screw air compressor in China, its permanent magnet motor can save energy by more than 10% compared with ordinary motors; it has the advantages of constant pressure air without causing pressure difference waste; it uses as much air as it needs, and does not need to be loaded and unloaded . More than 30% energy saving than ordinary air compressors.
Centralized control
On the one hand, the centralized linkage control of air compressors can avoid the stepwise increase of exhaust pressure caused by the parameter setting of multiple air compressors.On the other hand, it will cause waste of output air energy.
Reduce air compressor intake temperature
Reducing the intake air temperature of an air compressor is an important step in increasing its efficiency, reducing energy costs and extending its service life. Here are some ways to achieve this:
- Improve ventilation: Make sure the air compressor is in a well-ventilated area. Install a fan or exhaust system to increase air circulation and remove hot air from the compressor room.
- Install an air dryer: An air dryer removes moisture from the intake air, which can lower temperatures and increase compressor efficiency.
- Using a heat exchanger: A heat exchanger can transfer heat from the intake air to a coolant (such as water), which can be used to cool the air before it enters the compressor.
- Intake Duct Insulation: The intake duct is insulated to prevent heat transfer from the surrounding environment to the intake air.
- Install a cooling system: Install a cooling system, such as a water cooling system or a refrigeration system, to cool the intake air before it enters the compressor.
- By lowering the intake air temperature of your air compressor, you can increase its efficiency, reduce energy costs and extend its life. Choose the method that best suits your needs and take the necessary steps to ensure your air compressor is running at peak efficiency.