Treatment method for low exhaust pressure of permanent magnet screw air compressor

The permanent magnet screw air compressor can eliminate the lower exhaust pressure caused by the higher altitude, but the increase in air consumption cannot be ignored. If there are no major leaks in the compressed air lines, it is the compressor unit itself. We can check whether there is a problem from the following aspects:
1. The displacement of the compressor has decreased. There is no major problem, but the customer is negligent in maintenance. If the working environment is not ideal, the air filter of the compressor is easily blocked. For mild cases, compressed air can be used to remove dust; if the blockage is serious, a new air filter needs to be replaced.
2. Whether the intake valve is fully open. The discharge volume of the compressor drops, check the unit, if it has just been maintained, eliminate the third filter and oil problems, then check the compressor intake valve. Remove the intake hose, turn on the compressor, and check whether the opening of the intake valve is normal. Generally, the theoretical design service life of the intake valve is 100,000 operations. Because each manufacturer uses different brand batches, the quality is also different, so the failure of the intake valve may lead to a decrease in the exhaust volume of the unit. If the intake valve cannot be fully opened when the compressor is loaded, it can be concluded that the decrease in displacement is the fault of the intake valve, which should be removed for repair or replacement.
3. Motor failure. After eliminating the fault of the intake valve, if the exhaust volume of the unit still does not change, it should be considered whether the motor is faulty. Due to local short circuit in the motor coil, or bearing wear and motor shaft wear, the motor speed is lower than the rated speed, and the compressor exhaust volume is reduced. The motor coil, bearing, etc. should be overhauled, and the compressor exhaust volume should be tested after repair. . Closer to this principle is the belt-driven compressor. The load and integrity of the belt should be considered. Sometimes the speed of the main engine is insufficient due to belt slippage or relaxation, resulting in low exhaust pressure.
4. The setting pressure of the pressure switch is too low. This kind of situation is common when the working condition changes, or the system parameters are changed after the system is adjusted, overhauled, etc. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, the working pressure will not be easily misoperated after it is set. Compressor parameter setting is not recommended to be set arbitrarily by the user, but a reasonable value should be set in conjunction with the equipment supplier and the user, comprehensively considering the working conditions and equipment operating characteristics.